
Education Committees

Dispatch to SOT Continuing Education Course

Regulations on the Dispatch of Society Members to Continuing Education Courses of US Society of Toxicology (SOT)

Established on Jan. 4, 2012
Revised on Nov. 8, 2012
Revised on Feb. 23, 2015

1. Purpose of establishment

The Japanese Society of Toxicology (JSOT) shall conduct a project for dispatching society members to continuing education courses of SOT, which are held at its annual meetings. The purpose of this project is to provide opportunities for candidates for the next generation leaders of JSOT to receive training, and to return their achievements gained through the training to the Society, thereby enhancing the quality and contents of its continuing education programs.

2. Candidates

Society members to be dispatched shall meet any of the following criteria:
1) Persons who are Diplomates of JSOT, Councilors of the Society, or general members of the Society for 10 years (as a general rule, candidates shall be below the age of 45 years), and who are able to obtain a recommendation from a Councilor of the Society other than themselves.
2) Persons whose eligibility is in accordance with the one described in 1) and who are able to obtain a recommendation from a Councilor of the Society other than themselves.
As a general rule, there shall be 2 candidates each year; however, the number of candidates may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the Chair of the Education Committee.

3. Expenses and benefits to dispatch members

The Society shall provide benefits for the following expenses to dispatch members:
1) Registration fees for the SOT annual meeting and its continuing education courses (assigned by the Education Committee) of the relevant year.
2) Economy class air fare for a round trip between the place of SOT annual meeting and the residence of dispatch members in Japan, and accommodation fees (payments shall be made with the approval of the President, based on the price of a travel agent arranged tour for the meeting).
3) Other expenses related to the dispatch shall be paid from promotion funds.

4. Responsibilities of dispatch members

Candidates for the dispatch shall fulfil the following responsibilities:
1) Taking SOT’s continuing education courses assigned by the Education Committee among those of the relevant year,
2) Lecturing at JSOT-sponsored continuing education courses, etc. of the relevant year or the following year, and presenting reports on the content of SOT’s continuing education courses attended.

5. Selection procedures

The selection shall be done through an open call for applications and recommendations from the Board of Directors. In either case, applicants must submit the following documents, 1) - 4) to the secretariat of the Education Committee. Based on these documents, the Education Committee shall review applicants, taking into consideration their field of specialization, professional experience, etc., and select dispatch candidates for each continuing education course. Dispatch members shall be determined by a decision of the President.
1) Application form (free-form style, specify preferred education courses)
2) Curriculum vitae [date of birth, JSOT membership number, last academic institution attended, professional experience (note job description briefly), current field of specialization, list of memberships in academic societies (year of entry, year in which applicants passed toxicologist certification examinations, record of activities as councilors, etc.)]
3) List of research achievements (focusing on those within the last 5 years)
4) Letter of recommendation from a Councilor of the Society

Additional Rule These regulations established on February 23, 2015 will come into force on the same day.