
Awards / Tetsuo Satoh Award

Complimentary address  Tetsuo Satoh Ph.D., ATS

Reflections on the Creation of the Tetsuo Satoh Award

In January 2019, I received a telephone call from Dr. Yoshito Kumagai, President of the Japanese Society of Toxicology (JSOT), during which I was informed that a new award, which would be named the Tetsuo Satoh Award, had been approved by the board members of the Society. This award would be presented yearly to an individual of the JSOT who had made substantial and distinguished scientific contributions to our understanding of the science of toxicology. This news was totally unexpected and I am deeply honored to know that an award bearing my name has been created to further the goals of the Society.

Regarding my international communications in the past, I joined the Society of Toxicology (SOT) of the USA in 1974 when I was an Associate Professor at the University of Chicago Toxicity Laboratory under the direction of Professor Kenneth DuBois, who was one of nine founders of the SOT. Since then, I have been fortunate to become acquainted with a large number of colleagues in the field of toxicology, not only in the United States, but in many other places around the world.

Over the past 30 years, I have been involved in the boards and leadership positions of several international toxicology organizations such as the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) where I served as Vice President, and the Asian Society of Toxicology (ASIATOX) where I was the founding Secretary General and currently serve an Advisor. In addition, I have been invited to numerous international congresses and toxicology meetings where I have frequently been a participant.

In the last 10 years, the JSOT and the SOT have developed close communications and are now considered ‘sister toxicology societies’. In order to advance state-of-the-art toxicology in Japan in the future, it will be necessary to encourage even closer interactions with overseas toxicologists through international congresses, annual meetings of the JSOT and SOT, and other forums. 

As the eponymous honoree of the Tetsuo Satoh Award, it is my most sincere hope that young toxicologists will pursue active communications with their counterparts around the world and work diligently to build toxicology in Japan. The JSOT should also continue to make efforts aimed at improving educational and the career development opportunities for our young toxicologists, and support their participation in the global network of toxicology.

Finally, it is my most sincere hope that the Tetsuo Satoh Award will provide a trigger for significant developments within the JSOT, and as the eponymous honoree of this award, it is my strongest desire that our Society will become a leading light among the toxicology societies of the world.



Winner: KANNO Jun
Affiliation: National Institute of Health Sciences


There was no applicable person.


Title: Academic Promotion of International Standards and Establishment of Toxicologist Certification System of the Japanese Society of Toxicology
Winner: KUROKAWA Yuji


Title: Practice of basic education for personnel engaged in toxicity studies and its introduction to The Japanese Society of Toxicology and establishment of a qualification system: Expansion of the integrated risk assessment
Winner: NOMURA Mamoru
Affiliation: Ina Research Inc.


Title: Academic promotion at international level in the Japanese Society of Toxicology, and promotion of exchanges among researchers and academic organizations
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Affiliation: Pfizer Inc.